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Super stable stand up paddleboard
Get your Stand Up Paddleboard now.

Stand Up Paddleboards for sale in The Florida Keys!

Our last stand up paddleboard sale over Christmas time was so successful we have decided to do it again! We have 26 stand up paddleboards to choose from. New, used, and scratch and dent paddleboards. We have racing, cruising, fishing, all around, standard, big guy, foam, soft, hollow, bamboo, and training models. From 8 foot 8 inch boards all the way up to 14 foot boards. The best brand new board pricing in the Florida Keys. Prices start at $500.00 Michael Dolsey, SUPATX, and Great Lakes are the brands. Come down to the Florida Keys for vacation, leave with paddleboard! Make it a day trip or even a weekend trip.


Super stable stand up paddleboard

Over sized stand up paddleboard for super stability.

This is Big Red!! 12 foot long, 36 inches wide with a concave deck that lowers the center of gravity to make a super stable stand up paddleboard. Michael Dolsey rated it to float 400 pounds!!! This makes it a great board for sup clean up, fishing, diving, multiple people, pets, and big people.

Time for racing?

The new Michael Dolsey trainer board.


Super durable BamBam. Bamboo on the top and bottom of the board.

Take me home with you!

Lots of Michael Dolsey stand up paddleboards ready to be unwrapped in the Florida Keys.

Done forget about our accessories too! We have the largest fin selection in The Florida Keys!



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