Unleashing the Hero Within

Discover your untapped potential and become the hero of your own narrative – where every day is an opportunity for a new, epic adventure.

Giant Kiteloop, just kidding!

When kiteboarding you can stick more landings by over rotating or leaning a little bit farther and then back to landing position in order to correct an off balance flight.

It is going to be very hard to explain but once you encounter the problem, it should be more understandable.

After a jump you are sometimes leaning forward and to the side a bit, if you don’t correct that position soon enough, you will end up crashing.

To correct that lean, simply lean a little bit farther in the same direction until that lean loses forward momentum and starts to go the other way. Use that momentum to bring your body back in to a balanced position, aim your board towards the direction of travel and land.

Practice leaning or rolling your body in the direction you are traveling then back during a small jump. Almost as if you are laying on your back in bed then rolling to your side then back.

Once you do it a couple of times on purpose after losing your balance while in the air, it will be easier to preform with out thinking, almost second nature.

Come down to the Florida Key and let Florida Keys Kiteboarding teach you how!


How To


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