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F-One, Crazy Fly, Evinrude, Florida Keys Kiteboarding
How to set up from a boat

Kiteboarding kite all set up and ready to fly from the boat.

How to set up your kiteboarding / Kitesurfing kite in shallow water from a boat.

Setting up your kiteboarding kite from a boat in shallow water is very easy, there is no need to prerig your kite or inflate the spares or struts before the trip.

The only thing you’ll need is a line to tie your Kite to the boat or a buddy to hold the kite while you straightened out and hook your kite lines to the kite.  We use a 1/4″ diameter by 8 to 10 foot long line that has a loop on one end and and a snap clip on the other. The line length varies according to where your attachment point is on the boat and how far away from the boat your kite needs to be due to the outboard motor or swim platform. The kite to boat leashes can be purchased at Florida Keys Kiteboarding.

Once you get anchored up on your spot, attach the kite to boat leash to your boat, inflate your kite, and then hook the kite to the leash. Let the kite lay in the water leading edge down.

Next, unwind your kite lines while walking out and let them float in the water on the down current side of the boat. Attach your chicken loop to a boat cleat or a purpose made line with a snap clip and put the red side of the bar on your right side. Step inside the kite lines and walk the lines out. Stay inside the lines turn around and walk to the kite and hook your lines up from the trailing edge of the kite. Double check all your attachment points and bridal strings as you normally would and you’re ready to launch the kite!



How To

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